Rudy Giuliani, Jews Are Not Getting Over It

Chief Editor's Blog

Sara Yoheved Rigler

Jews and Jerusalem: The Longest Love Story

The Jews’ millennia-long love affair with Jerusalem.

How Eddie Jacobson Convinced President Truman to Recognize the State of Israel

Gary Ginsberg’s new book “First Friends” chronicles personal relationships that influenced the White House.


Is Zionism a Form of Colonialism?

Rooted in the word for the Land of Israel, Zion, the word Zionist may not actually be as “modern” as you think! In fact, Zionists have been around for thousands of years.

Reunifying Jerusalem: Remembering Ammunition Hill

The decisive battle paved the way for Israel to reunify Jerusalem in 1967.

The Flag of Israel: Facts, Symbol & Meaning

The story behind Israel’s flag and why it’s a potent symbol for Jews worldwide.

The Silver Platter: Establishing the State of Israel

24,000 Israeli soldiers have sacrificed their lives for the protection of the Jewish state.

Tzfat: The City of Air and Kabbalah

Exploring the hidden spiritual nature of one of Israel’s Four Holy Cities.

Tiberias: City of Water

Along with Jerusalem, Hebron and Safed, Tiberias is one of Israel’s four holy cities. Why?


Israel's Disengagement from Gaza

Revisiting a painful chapter in the history of modern Israel.


What is Zionism?

The connection of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel has been an integral part of the Jewish story for at least 3,000 years.

Jewish Geography

The Golan Heights: 5 Facts

A short guide to the history and strategic value of the Golan Heights.


The Miraculous Relationship Between the Jewish People & the Land of Israel

Can land really have some kind of direct relationship with the people living on it?


Theodor Herzl: The Zionist Dream of a Jewish State

What is Zionism and why is it so controversial? How did Herzl, a secular writer, transform an ancient longing into a modern political movement that changed the course of history?


Q&A: Why Judaism’s Attachment to the Land of Israel?

If Judaism is a religion, why does it need a country?

The Meaning of Israel: A Personal View

Tired of all the anti-Israel bashing? Read this and take pleasure in the miracle of Israel.


Jerusalem: 4,000 Years in 5 Minutes

Throughout history only Israel has protected the freedom of all peoples and faiths in Jerusalem.

Jerusalem in Greek and Roman Sources

The Jewish identity of Jerusalem in Greek and Roman sources.


A Letter to the World from Jerusalem, 1969

Eliezer Whartman has a few things he needs to get off his chest.

Centrality of Israel

Why is Israel so important to Judaism, and why does the world pay it such an extraordinary amount of attention?

Why Do We Still Mourn

Why is there so much emphasis on remembering Jerusalem in our lives?

Can a Country be Born in a Day?

God has brought His people home and promised to one day give them peace. No people need it more. No people have earned it more.

Sara Yoheved Rigler

Loving the Land of Israel

The spiritual power of God's special place.

Downfall of the Enemy

How should we feel upon seeing an evil person destroyed?

Why Jerusalem Matters

For millennium of exile, Jews always turned toward Jerusalem. What memory were they eager to preserve?

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